Con disagio e fiducia. Un percorso attraverso la società locale

Author/s Pierina Bonvecchio
Publishing Year 1 Issue 2000/62
Language Italian Pages 8 P. File size 27 KB
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This essay links the theme of hardship with the theme of trust. It was inspired by the observation that one of the most unexpected social aspects to emerge from studies in recent years is the appearance of movements of opinions, conflicts and interests arising from the quality of everyday relationships clearly belonging to the specific realm of territorial experience. The main points in the analysis are: a) an idea of ‘local’ as an inclination towards an exchange of resources, to meet the needs of increasingly heterogeneous populations; b) ‘trust’ seen as a resource of stability and a component of correctness both in interpersonal relationships and in the social system; c) ‘hardship’ as an inadequate capacity for subjective orientation, as a risk in everyday life that disturbs the process of socialization and reinforces the tendency for individuals and groups to «distance themselves» after the decline of a community; d) the profile of a culture with «rules of living together» arranged in a way that is unconventional, changeable and supported by positive expectations, even though formed under conditions of uncertainty.

Pierina Bonvecchio, Con disagio e fiducia. Un percorso attraverso la società locale in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 62/2000, pp , DOI: