Territori della vulnerabilità: per una ricerca sul centro storico

Author/s Marina Innorta
Publishing Year 1 Issue 2000/62
Language Italian Pages 8 P. File size 30 KB
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The studies on American cities’ urban social divisions (known as urban dualism) represent an important point of reference to understand the relationship between socio-spatial dynamics and processes of impoverishment in contemporary urban contexts. Such hypotheses do not take into account neither the complexity of the variables implied in the processes of impoverishment, nor the possibility of "territories of vulnerability". The author proposes a research hypothesis to be carried out on a specific urban territory - the inner city area. This is an approach to the social vulnerability notion aiming at the integration of the analysis of territorial dynamics by the study of single cases.

Marina Innorta, Territori della vulnerabilità: per una ricerca sul centro storico in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 62/2000, pp , DOI: