La funzione delle emozioni nella co-terapia: la tetrade emotiva

Author/s Maurizio Gallinari, Generosa Barletta
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2006/24
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 87-94 File size 216 KB
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In this work the authors describe a clinical case, conducted in co-therapy, which is highlighted a particular configuration relational: Emotional Tetrad In the co-therapy of couple there is the risk to incur in this relational configuration, especially if the co-therapists share with the couple common aspects of life. Within the therapeutic relationship, particular attention is put on the emotional resonance of the co-therapists used as resources to overcome the therapeutic impasse. Key words: emotional tetrad, emotional resonance, bridge-communicative, cotherapy, therapeutic impasse

Maurizio Gallinari, Generosa Barletta, La funzione delle emozioni nella co-terapia: la tetrade emotiva in "RIVISTA DI PSICOTERAPIA RELAZIONALE " 24/2006, pp 87-94, DOI: