Limiti e prospettive dell’azione locale

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Marco Cremaschi
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2008/46
Language Italian Pages 4 P. 85-88 File size 283 KB
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Limits and prospects for local action - This collection of essays regards thinking expressed at an international convention which took place in Rome in 2007. The questions addressed concern two very closely connected aspects: the centrality of the urban and community dimension in giving shape to social inequalities which Donzelot called quite simply the new urban question; and the limits, the difficulties and the equivocations of public action, hemmed in between old paradigms, new challenges and the narrow door of the local approach. The convention discussed the acquisitions of a season of experimentation of integrated local programmes and showed their serious limitations which are not only practical. It also posed questions through a comparison with France over the model of political action which is unfolding in this rapid transition from the traditional welfare state to neo-liberal reconstruction (and beyond). The interventions which follow focus on various issues: the limits of local action; an interest in new community morphologies of social inequalities; and finally proposals for reorganising these suggestions into a consistent field which defines a new urban question.

Marco Cremaschi, Limiti e prospettive dell’azione locale in "TERRITORIO" 46/2008, pp 85-88, DOI: