Convivenza responsabile: quali i significati attribuiti nelle comunità di appartenenza?

Author/s Fortuna Procentese, di Luzio Silvia Scotto, Alfredo Natale
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2011/2
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 19-29 File size 771 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSC2011-002003
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The research explores the meanings attributed to living together with responsibility in local contexts. The aim is to understand of discrepancy between the cultural changes related to the redefinition of the citizen's role and practices aimed at promoting social well-being. For such purpose, seventy-three students' scripts were collected. Through thematic analysis, emerge the structuring dimensions of the local representation of living together and the various factors determining the construction of pro-social actions. A non-recognition of spaces for sharing and negotiation is underlined. In particular, the lack of trust that empowers constructive interdependence, functional to responsible co-living prevails.

Keywords: Living together with responsibility, interdependence, social cohesion, local action, social trust, collective interest.

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Fortuna Procentese, di Luzio Silvia Scotto, Alfredo Natale, Convivenza responsabile: quali i significati attribuiti nelle comunità di appartenenza? in "PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA’" 2/2011, pp 19-29, DOI: 10.3280/PSC2011-002003