With and for Informed Consent to Care

Journal title SALUTE E SOCIETÀ
Author/s Susi Pelotti
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2012/3EN
Language English Pages 15 P. 139-153 File size 94 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2012-003009EN
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The concept of informed consent is revisited in the light of the new development toward the model of "shared decision making". Consenting practice is not a defense against ligation or a formal procedural step, but it represents a process for helping patient to make a choice through a new relationship in which clinicians and patients work together using clinical evidence and patient’s informed preference. Shared decision making is considered an ethical imperative, but is not yet the norm. Validated decision supports and training are needed for its implementation.

Keywords: Informed consent, consent form, ligation, shared decision making, decision aids, implementation

Susi Pelotti, With and for Informed Consent to Care in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 3EN/2012, pp 139-153, DOI: 10.3280/SES2012-003009EN