Global openness and local economic resources. An inquiry on regional roots of multinational corporations

Journal title ARGOMENTI
Author/s Mariachiara Barzotto, Giancarlo Corò, Mario Volpe
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2014/42
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 31-53 File size 142 KB
DOI 10.3280/ARG2014-042002
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This article analyses the relationship between the internationalisation processes undertaken by manufacturing companies and the system of local resources, i.e. human capital endowment, supply and users networks, and institutions. Our study tries to understand if and to what extent multinational companies have supported the local assets reproduction. The research, conducted through a multiple case study of manufacturing medium-large size companies located in the Veneto Region (Italy), shows the set of companies’ possible actions that would promote the local resources sustainability.

Keywords: Local resources system, industrial commons, international fragmentation

Jel codes: F23, R58, L60.

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Mariachiara Barzotto, Giancarlo Corò, Mario Volpe, Apertura internazionale e risorse economiche locali. Un’indagine sul radicamento territoriale di imprese multinazionali1 in "ARGOMENTI" 42/2014, pp 31-53, DOI: 10.3280/ARG2014-042002