School, curriculum and technology: the what and how of their connections

Author/s Laura Fedeli
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2017/2
Language English Pages 0 P. File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/ess2-2017oa5595
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Technology is, here, meant as an umbrella concept that finds its location in some dimensions of the school governance such as a practice of scrutiny and a means to develop teacher training, but mostly as part of students’ background and expectations to be shared in a co-constructed curriculum.Technologies, nowadays, have been developing a new “world order” where education can cover some of the gaps students can hardly handle by just “living” the digital reality in which they are fully involved also thanks to a continuous online connection aided by the mobile devices.Being autonomous in managing online contacts and information doesn’t mean being digitally confident citizens and educational institutions can help identifying personalized and self-regulated learning path where students’ needs and potentialities can find in the collaborative construction of the curriculum a common ground which ensure equity of the educational offer and respect of diversity at the same time. 

Keywords: technology, school, curriculum

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Laura Fedeli, School, curriculum and technology: the what and how of their connections in "EDUCATION SCIENCES AND SOCIETY" 2/2017, pp , DOI: 10.3280/ess2-2017oa5595