Romain Rolland e la rivoluzione russa: pace versus rivoluzione

Author/s Fiorenza Taricone
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2017/25
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 29-51 File size 128 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2017-025004
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The article studies the French pacifist Romain Rolland’s thoughts and writings on the Russian Revolution. He was convinced that Russian Revolution was the first great experiment of a social republic founded on work, but, because of his pacifism, he also questioned about the inevitable violence’s legitimacy. In addition, his visit to Stalin in the Thirties didn’t dissolve his doubts about the repression against political opponents. In public, he didn’t attack Russia, but however he silently expressed his dissent.

Keywords: First World War, Pacifism, Russian Revolution, Socialism, Workers Rights, Political Violences.

Fiorenza Taricone, Romain Rolland e la rivoluzione russa: pace versus rivoluzione in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 25/2017, pp 29-51, DOI: 10.3280/HM2017-025004