The territorial dimension of rental housing policy: the case of Rhodense district

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Luca Gaeta, Alice Pontiggia, Rossana Torri
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/85
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 114-124 File size 1623 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2018-085014
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Rental housing affordability is regulated in Italy by Law 431/1998, which entrusts both tenants and owners’ associations with the task of setting the conditions for mutual convenience of agreed-upon rental contracts. Over time, the signing of municipal-scale agreements has become common across Italy, considering each Municipality as a separate housing market area. This is highly questionable in metropolitan areas, where housing values and practices do not match municipal boundaries. The Rhodense district of Milan metropolitan area followed an innovative approach. A territorial study of Politecnico di Milano preceded the renewal of the local agreements and was the basis for signing an intermunicipal kind of agreement. The article discusses the methods and results of the territorial study along with the advantages of an inter-municipal approach to rental housing policy.

Keywords: Housing policy; local agreements; rental housing

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Luca Gaeta, Alice Pontiggia, Rossana Torri, La dimensione territoriale delle politiche per l’affitto: il caso del Rhodense in "TERRITORIO" 85/2018, pp 114-124, DOI: 10.3280/TR2018-085014