Urban rent recovery: from trouble to urban planning tool

Author/s Simone Rusci
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/124
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 49-69 File size 129 KB
DOI 10.3280/ASUR2019-124003
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The article wants to debate the urban rent issue as economic entity able tohighlight the opportunities of location and its prospective of additional profitsproduction. The main object of this article is to get back to the meaning oflocation rent not as "monetary sense" but rather in his first contents, that is to sayreading and analysis tool in the urban planning.

Keywords: Rent; urban planning; real estate market; equalization; tax policies.

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Simone Rusci, Recuperare la rendita: da problema a strumento di pianificazione urbana in "ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI" 124/2019, pp 49-69, DOI: 10.3280/ASUR2019-124003