Introduction of the issue: an ecologic prospective

Journal title GRUPPI
Author/s Angelo Silvestri
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language Italian Pages 4 P. 5-8 File size 116 KB
DOI 10.3280/GRU2019-001001
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The author, Director of the journal, suggests the possibility of adopting an eco-logical perspective to better understand the socio-cultural phenomena that are in-creasingly affecting the daily practice of psychotherapists as a result of the devel-opment of information technologies, increased mobility of people, information and goods at the basis of globalization and socio-economic events that have caused and fueled massive migration flows. He then briefly explains the contents of this dossier.

Keywords: Presentation, Information technologies, Globalization, Migratory flows, Group psychotherapies.

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Angelo Silvestri, Presentazione del numero: una prospettiva ecologica in "GRUPPI" 1/2019, pp 5-8, DOI: 10.3280/GRU2019-001001