Napoleone Colajanni and the «razza maledetta». Sulphur Sicily between anthropological prejudice and social emergency

Author/s Fabrizio La Manna
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2021/1
Language Italian Pages 30 P. 15-44 File size 319 KB
DOI 10.3280/ASSO2021-001002
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The essay focuses on the complex figure of Napoleone Colajanni, committed politician but also an attentive social scientist. Following the repression of the movement of the Fasci dei lavoratori, Colajanni mobilized to refute a vast literature that attributed special anthropological characteristics to the people of Southern Italy. In this debate, Colajanni also intervened to rectify a representation of inner Sicily, where the carusi were employed in the numerous sulphur mines, which amplified the impact of the work on their physical conditions and insisted on a supposed degeneration of the race.

Keywords: Anthropology, Carusi, Colajanni, Mines, Prejudice, Sulphur

Fabrizio La Manna, Napoleone Colajanni e la «razza maledetta». La Sicilia dello zolfo tra pregiudizio antropologico ed emergenza sociale in "ARCHIVIO STORICO PER LA SICILIA ORIENTALE" 1/2021, pp 15-44, DOI: 10.3280/ASSO2021-001002