Social competence and students’ satisfaction in school transitions: a research in secondary schools

Author/s Maria Luisa Pedditzi, Marcello Nonnis, Davide Massidda
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/2
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 43-62 File size 292 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2016-002003
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The present study investigates the relationship between assertiveness and satisfaction of students in school transitions in and out of the secondary school. Method. 250 high school students (first and fifth classes) completed the questionnaires: "Come mi comporto con gli altri" [How do I behave with others?] and "La Mia vita da Studente" [My life as a student] (Soresi and Nota, 2003). Through path analysis a model was tested designed to evaluate the influence of factors related to assertiveness on students’ satisfaction Results. Some model paths differ significantly depending on the relative school transition: among first-class students some social skills (eg. expressing disagreement, having social initiative) influence satisfaction in the relationship with peers, while among fifth-class students these social skills affect satisfaction with regards to school experience and the awards received. Moreover, for fifth-class students facing post-degree choices, accepting and manifesting one’s own limitations can lead to lower levels of satisfaction in the relationship with family members. In any case, among the students examined, the frequency in asking for help and support is a good predictor of overall satisfaction. Conclusions. The study suggests that actions of satisfaction promotion should be differentiated according to age and relative school transition

Keywords: Assertiveness, satisfaction towards quality of life, school transition.

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Maria Luisa Pedditzi, Marcello Nonnis, Davide Massidda, Assertività e soddisfazione degli studenti nelle transizioni scolastiche: una ricerca nella scuola secondaria superiore in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 2/2016, pp 43-62, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2016-002003