Parenting styles, school wellbeing and school performance in adolescence

Author/s Maria Giulia Olivari, Eleonora Mascheroni, Gaia Cuccì, Emanuela Confalonieri
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 9-26 File size 216 KB
DOI 10.3280/RIP2019-001001
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This study examines school wellbeing in a sample of 536 students enrolled in the first class of 7 different Italian high school in order to: 1) describe the level of school wellbeing and school performance; 2) investigate the relationship between school wellbeing and school performance; 3) explore the role of maternal and paternal parenting styles in predicting academic achievement; 4) explore the role of maternal and paternal parenting styles in predicting school well-being. Our re-sults indicate that males report higher levels of school wellbeing and lower levels of school performance than females. Wellbeing resulted to be associated to school performance, both among males and females. Among males a better school performance is associated with authoritative maternal style; among fe-males it is negatively associated with permissive and authoritarian styles. As for school wellbeing, for males it is positively associated with authoritative maternal and paternal style. Among females, authoritative maternal style is associated with higher levels of school wellbeing, while maternal authoritarian style and ma-ternal and paternal permissive style are associated with a lower level of school wellbeing

Keywords: Adolescents, parenting styles, school wellbeing, school performance

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Maria Giulia Olivari, Eleonora Mascheroni, Gaia Cuccì, Emanuela Confalonieri, Stili educativi genitoriali, benessere scolastico e rendimento scolastico in adolescenza in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA " 1/2019, pp 9-26, DOI: 10.3280/RIP2019-001001