Books about Communication

The search has found 13 titles

The study Internal Crisis Communication in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic outlines which internal crisis communication strategies have been adopted by Italian companies during the emergency and how the working experience of employees has been. The study offers a focus on remote working reporting data about its impact on working life, resources available, enablers and benefits.

cod. 10067.6

Giovanna Carloni

Digitally-Enhanced practices and open pedagogy in English-Taught Programs

Flexible Learning for Local and Global Settings in Higher Education

Higher education, which is undergoing a shift due to an increase in digitalization worldwide, needs to refocus its teaching practices by designing flexible courses catering to students’ multifarious post-pandemic needs. The present volume provides a digitally-enhanced framework suitable for designing and implementing flexible courses in English-Taught Programs (ETPs). Language awareness, a key component of ETPs, is especially examined within a Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) framework.

cod. 11058.1

Stefano Martello, Filippo Nani, Roberta Zarpellon

Restart program

Impresa e comunicazione del rilancio ai tempi del Covid-19

È possibile configurare una strategia di contrasto a una crisi, a prescindere dalla sua natura? Pianificato e realizzato dalla delegazione Triveneto di Ferpi nei giorni più caldi della pandemia di Covid-19, Restart Program propone una risposta metodologica strutturata, misurabile e multidisciplinare, al cui interno le dinamiche comunicative si affermano come asset strategico e diffuso. Uno stimolo per tutti coloro che nella crisi non vedono solo una interferenza nella propria zona di confort, ma una occasione.

cod. 10067.4