Inclusive Science Education and Robotics

A cura di: Luisa Zecca, Edoardo Datteri

Inclusive Science Education and Robotics

Studies and Experiences

This book brings together contributions proposing studies and experiences which investigate the relationship between inclusive education and educational robotics, with particular reference to children and people with disabilities, with special educational needs or at risk of school dropping out.

Pages: 214

ISBN: 9788835150640

Edizione:1a edizione 2023

Publisher code: 11096.14

Info about Open Access books

This book brings together contributions proposing studies and experiences which investigate the relationship between inclusive education and educational robotics, with particular reference to children and people with disabilities, with special educational needs or at risk of school dropping out. All these contributions were presented during the National Conference IBR21 - Interazione Bambini-Robot, held on 13 and 14 April 2021, in the second session dedicated to robotics and communities in condition of vulnerability.
Robotics is increasingly being used for different age groups and within different school levels, for educational, didactic, therapeutic and entertainment purposes. In both formal and non-formal learning contexts, robotic construction and programming activities aimed at refi ning cognitive and social skills are increasingly carried out. Robots are now part of the so-called "edutainment" world and the opportunities for children to come into contact and interact with robotic devices are multiplying.
Considering these issues, the book fi ts into the framework of the SwafS Horizon 2020 Project "Communities for Sciences (C4S) - Towards promoting an inclusive approach in Science Education", which sponsored the Conference IBR21.

Luisa Zecca is Full Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca, "Riccardo Massa" Department of Human Sciences for Education. Her research interests concern didactic strategies in the teachinglearning process, socio-cultural inclusion and teacher education. She is the scientifi c director of the H2020 C4S project (Communities for Sciences) Italian Hub and co-director of School and Democratic Citizenship Laboratory, University of Milano Bicocca.

Edoardo Datteri is Full Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca, "Riccardo Massa" Department of Human Sciences for Education. His research interests concern methodological foundations of biorobotics, Artifi cial Intelligence and cognitive science. He is Associate Editor of "Frontiers in Psychology" and co-founder and director of the RobotiCSS Lab - Laboratory of Robotics for the Cognitive and Social Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca.

Gabriel Lemkow-Tovias, Preface
Luisa Zecca, Introduction
Matteo Schianchi, Introductory essay. Disability at School: The inclusion is not ambient music
Section 1. Studies
Daniela Bagattini, Beatrice Miotti, Are robots boys or girls? Reflecting on stereotypes and opportunities in robotics in educational contexts
Lia Daniela Sasanelli, Michele Baldassarre, Use of humanoid robots for intellectual disability in educational and teaching contexts: A review of the literature
Serena Sabrina Vadalà, Carmela Esposito, Laura Zampini, Eleonora Farina, Edoardo Datteri, Robots for the study of false belief attribution in autistic children: An exploratory study
Lucia Campitiello, Michele Domenico Todino,
Stefano Di Tore, Engage social skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder with ASD-Robot
Valeria Cotza, Monica Roncen,
Luisa Zecca, From roboethology to peer tutoring among adolescents in vulnerable contexts. A study on communicative mediation in the classroom
Lorella Gabriele,
Eleonora Bilotta, Experiencing educational robotics in cognitive and behavioural rehabilitation of the patients: An exploratory study to design inclusive environments
Section 2. Experiences
Daniela Di Donato, Paola Mattioli, Beyond barriers. Inclusion and innovation through the use of educational robotic environments
Sonia Boldrini,
Robotics and educational care for students at risk of dropping out of school: Theories and proposals for action
Maura Sandri,
Gabriella D'Orsi, An inclusive summer camp based on coding and educational robotics to discover the planet Mars through digital storytelling with Scratch
Emanuela Scaioli,
When robotics helps to overcome barriers and grow up
The Authors.

Contributors: Daniela Bagattini, Michele Baldassarre, Eleonora Bilotta, Sonia Boldrini, Lucia Campitiello, Valeria Cotza, Daniela di Donato, Stefano Di Tore, Gabriella D'Orsi, Carmela Esposito, Eleonora Farina, Lorella Gabriele, Gabriel Lemkow-Tovias, Paola Mattioli, Beatrice Miotti, Monica Roncen, Maura Sandri, Lia Daniela Sasanelli, Emanuela Scaioli, Matteo Schianchi, Michele Domenico Todino, Serena Sabrina Vadalà, Laura Zampini

Serie: Media e tecnologie per la didattica - Open Access

Subjects: Training Sciences, Pedagogy, Didactics

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