La crescita della spesa pubblica sanitaria in Italia: un modello incrementale misto

Author/s Rosella Levaggi
Publishing Year 1 Issue 2000/5
Language Italian Pages 15 P. File size 131 KB
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This paper presents a model that explains the growth of public health expenditure in Italy in the period 1960-1996. It is argued that the choice of the budget for health care is made using a mixed incremental expenditure process in which the final allocation process is the result of a bargaining process between the Central Government and the agency that is responsible for the provision of the service. The estimation results shows the validity of the model; in particular it is shown that the growth of private health expenditure allows Central Government to reduce the relative weight of his expenditure.

Rosella Levaggi, La crescita della spesa pubblica sanitaria in Italia: un modello incrementale misto in "ECONOMIA PUBBLICA " 5/2000, pp , DOI: