La città come attrazione turistica nella percezione dei residenti

Author/s Luca Savoja, M. Cristina Martinengo
Publishing Year 1 Issue 2000/63
Language Italian Pages 20 P. File size 58 KB
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The paper discusses the results of a survey carried out in Turin, concerning the residents opinions on their town as a touristic product and on touristic actractive capacity of Turin. Residents constitute local community that is, in the tourist’ perceptions, an important part of product. Residents also are a part of touristic front office and the first salers of their town; social and cultural characteristics of residents are, in this sense, a significant factor in the tourist feedback evaluation. Finally, residents are opinion leaders in the touristic decision making process of other people.

Luca Savoja, M. Cristina Martinengo, La città come attrazione turistica nella percezione dei residenti in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 63/2000, pp , DOI: