L'Archivio Cesare Chiodi: stato di ordinamento attuale e prospettive

Journal title STORIA URBANA
Author/s Sabrina Contu
Publishing Year 1994 Issue 2003/102
Language Italian Pages 6 P. File size 32 KB
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Cesare Chiodi (Milan, 1885-1969) graduated in 1908 as a civil engineer. Thanks to his experience as administrator of public works for Milan Government (1922-1925), he began working in the fields of town planning and systematic studies. His continuous research in town planning turned into the development of several activities. He was the founder and professor of the first Italian class in Town planning techniques (1929-1955) at Milan Polytechnic and for this purpose he published the manual titled La città moderna: tecnica urbanistica (1935; 2nd edition in 1945). Chiodi took part in many planning competitions, first as candidate then as member of the board of judges (1926-1948) and, in the meantime, he participated in different national and international planning conventions. Moreover, Chiodi was an active member of several important cultural associations, like the Touring Club Italiano (1946-1964). Today, the documents which make up Cesare Chiodi’s archive supply material for the development of further projects, not only about architecture and town planning, but also about historical techniques and culture between XIX and XX centuries.

Sabrina Contu, L'Archivio Cesare Chiodi: stato di ordinamento attuale e prospettive in "STORIA URBANA " 102/2003, pp , DOI: