Berlusconi e il mercato elettorale

Author/s Renato Mannheimer
Publishing Year 2004 Issue 2004/1
Language Italian Pages 4 P. File size 36 KB
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Mannheimer discusses the reach and features of the innovation brought about by Berlusconi in the communication domain, especially in the election campaigns. Even if Berlusconi was not the first politician to use the survey polls, he definitely was the first one to fully understand the power of the polls in defining the issues of an election campaign. In fact, the aim of his polls was not to discover the width of an existing electoral market, as to work out efficient communication strategies for a market that did not exist yet. The unexpected success of Forza Italia has to be seen from this point of view.

Renato Mannheimer, Berlusconi e il mercato elettorale in "COMUNICAZIONE POLITICA" 1/2004, pp , DOI: