Forme di comunicazione ipnotica: l’efficacia simbolica di Claude Lévi-Strauss

Journal title IPNOSI
Author/s Caterina Renzi
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2007/2
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 33-40 File size 194 KB
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Through the dream, the fantasy and the metaphor we expand our sensitive experience and can reach a different world view. Every time this happens the symbolic function becomes predominant and the process of knowledge is entirely entrusted (Fonzi et al., 1975; Durand, 1987). In hypnotic state, unlike spontaneous productions (dream activity, artistic expression ecc.), the symbolic function can be consciously channelled towards achieving specific goals. In this optical is examined a text of C. Lévi-Strauss (Lévi-Strauss, 1966) about a shamanistic ritual of healing and is compared with hypnotic techniques.

Caterina Renzi, Forme di comunicazione ipnotica: l’efficacia simbolica di Claude Lévi-Strauss in "IPNOSI" 2/2007, pp 33-40, DOI: