Nuovi aspetti della tutela dei consumatori: la parità di trattamento nel diritto comunitario e il principio di effettività nell'ordinamento interno

Author/s Guido Alpa
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2007/3
Language Italian Pages 8 P. 171-178 File size 85 KB
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The protection accorded to consumers in Italy’s legal order deserves to be studied from three different standpoints: (i) the harmonisation of Italy’s domestic legal order with European Union Directives and policies and the procedures used in updating; (ii) the effectiveness of codified rights; (iii) the enforceability of rights. At European Union level, the Commission has embarked on the process of amending the discipline for which provision is made in eight Directives, drawn up on the basis of the principle of minimum harmonisation. This process of amendment attempts to attenuate or overcome the different levels of protection, so as to guarantee that consumers will receive uniform treatment in all EU Member States and thus eliminate differences.

Guido Alpa, Nuovi aspetti della tutela dei consumatori: la parità di trattamento nel diritto comunitario e il principio di effettività nell'ordinamento interno in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 3/2007, pp 171-178, DOI: