Analisi della dimensionalità della Scala dei Valori Professionali (WIS/SVP)

Journal title RISORSA UOMO
Author/s Palmira Faraci, Antonino Miragliotta, Giovanni Sprini
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2008/3
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 351-359 File size 55 KB
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Item factor analysis of the Italian version of the Work Importance Study (WIS/SVP) - The purpose of this study was to examine the factorial structure of the Italian version of the Work Importance Study (WIS/SVP). The questionnaire was administered to 1883 high schools students. Based on results from exploratory factor analysis, it seems that the questionnaire presents a seven factors structure. The internal consistency of these dimensions is acceptable. The factors interpretation appears consistent with recent theoric findings. Other studies are needed to furtherly verify construct validity of the questionnaire. Keywords: work values, factorial structure, construct validity, Work Importance Study (WIS/SVP).

Palmira Faraci, Antonino Miragliotta, Giovanni Sprini, Analisi della dimensionalità della Scala dei Valori Professionali (WIS/SVP) in "RISORSA UOMO " 3/2008, pp 351-359, DOI: