Il cibo tra salute e cultura Tavola rotonda con: Riccardo Dalle grave, Antonio Guerci, Caterina Renna

Journal title SALUTE E SOCIETÀ
Author/s A cura di Luisa Stagi
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2009/3
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 113-122 File size 141 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2009-003007
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Il cibo tra salute e cultura Tavola rotonda con: Riccardo Dalle grave, Antonio Guerci, Caterina Renna - The article deals with the theme of bulimia in a psycho-social view. We examine the changes of life-style in post-modern society, where eating disorders take the characteristics of an ethnic disorder that exasperates behaviours largely appearing in the normal context of life. Bulimia takes the characteristics of a metaphor of the liquid-modern society. Moreover, we consider the thinking process by which the social view is linked to the mental dynamic of the eating disorder. The relationship between food and the body is considered as a personal experience and in its personal and social representation. We examine the disorders connected to metaphoric thought and to abstract thought regarding the process of mentalisation. The concept of concretised metaphor is connected to the thought disorders of bulimia nervosa.

Key-words: bulimia nervosa, liquid-modern society, concretised metaphor, embodiment, mentalisation, health.

Parole-chiave: bulimia nervosa, società liquido-moderna, metafora concretizzata, incorporazione, mentalizzazione, salute.

A cura di Luisa Stagi, Il cibo tra salute e cultura Tavola rotonda con: Riccardo Dalle grave, Antonio Guerci, Caterina Renna in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 3/2009, pp 113-122, DOI: 10.3280/SES2009-003007