I migranti forzati in Puglia tra campi di accoglienza e progetti territoriali per l’integrazione: il centro di Borgo Mezzanone

Journal title MONDI MIGRANTI
Author/s Pasquale Russo
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2009/3
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 99-112 File size 451 KB
DOI 10.3280/MM2009-003006
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Forced migrants in Apulia between reception camps and territorial projects for integration: the Borgo Mezzanone Centre - The presence of forced migrants in the region of Apulia (Italy) is a phenomenon that spread from the Second World War up to today; its manners and dynamics are partly similar, partly modified by national and European policies. In order to understand what kind of reception asylum seekers get from Italian institutions in Apulia, it could be useful to analyze reception conditions in Italy during the period from the end of Second World War up to today. Reception centers for asylum seekers (CARAs) are the result of decades of national policies related to the emergency of immigration. In order to understand their tasks it could be useful to refer to Borgo Mezzanone village in the province of Foggia. CARAs are designed as temporary staying structures for asylum seekers, where they often remain until the possible recognition of international protection. Consequently, reception centers changed from places of temporary emergency into a kind of "houses", really unsuitable for their guests, especially those who belong to vulnerable groups: children, elderly and disable people,etc. Since 2002 the National Protection Service for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (SPRAR) gives a reception according to European standards to people who achieved official recognition of international protection. Remaining forced migrants not accepted by SPRAR are obliged to a difficult path of integration.

Keywords: Forced migrants, asylum, reception centre, integration

Pasquale Russo, I migranti forzati in Puglia tra campi di accoglienza e progetti territoriali per l’integrazione: il centro di Borgo Mezzanone in "MONDI MIGRANTI" 3/2009, pp 99-112, DOI: 10.3280/MM2009-003006