Riflessioni a partire dalla tavola rotonda

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Valeria Fedeli, Alessandro Balducci
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/52
Language Italian Pages 5 P. 99-103 File size 493 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2010-052017
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Reflections from the round table - Taking its cue from the points raised and discussed at the end-of-conference round table, and from the various positions that emerged from it, the article investigates the ability of planning to make up the ground it has lost in relation to several significant challenges posed by the contemporary ‘urban question’. This concerns in particular the gap recorded on a daily basis between social and urban reality and the forms of governance and democracy at our disposal for tracking and anticipating its effects.

Keywords: Urban question; planning; governance.

Valeria Fedeli, Alessandro Balducci, Riflessioni a partire dalla tavola rotonda in "TERRITORIO" 52/2010, pp 99-103, DOI: 10.3280/TR2010-052017