La sonnambula. Dibattito storiografico e relativismo in Francia negli anni Settanta

Author/s Davide Guerra
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/4
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 106-119 File size 332 KB
DOI 10.3280/HM2010-004011
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Making history and reflecting on the historical knowledge are often considered as two antithetical attitudes. Relying on an empiricist paradigm, the former aims to increase its ability to criticize testimonies (evidences). The latter shows instead the limits of an excessively scientific setting, forgetful of the fundamental role of the historian’s subjectivity. Based on some important French contributions of the 1970s (De Certeau, Veyne, Furet), this article highlights the possibility of a dialogue between two positions often hastily regarded as irreconcilable.

Keywords: Historiography; historical methodology; epistemology; France; Annales; postmodernism

Davide Guerra, La sonnambula. Dibattito storiografico e relativismo in Francia negli anni Settanta in "HISTORIA MAGISTRA" 4/2010, pp 106-119, DOI: 10.3280/HM2010-004011