Considerations for environment planning

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Filippo Tartaglia
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2010/55
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 121-126 File size 1245 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2010-055017
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The article underlines the importance of time in the interpretation of phenomena and in the transformation of reality, asserting the need to assume an appropriate time factor for these operations. By defining the term ‘structure’ as a system of real, interdependent and mutually consequential conditionings, none of which would be possible without the other, the process of interpreting reality passes an initial stage of analysis of the ‘superficial structure’ of that reality and proceeds to a further stage of studying the ‘deep structure’, the relations between the phenomena analysed and the causes that determined them. In conclusion it is hoped that the design of the plan, which orders and predicts future scenarios, will be replaced with ‘planning by structures’ in which the definition of the relations and the quality of the images constitutes a support for participatory management of the landscape.

Keywords: Time; landscape; structure

Filippo Tartaglia, Considerazioni per il progetto di ambiente in "TERRITORIO" 55/2010, pp 121-126, DOI: 10.3280/TR2010-055017