To design the temporary. The ‘Citadel of temporary reuse’ workshop

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Antonella Bruzzese, Germana De Michelis
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2011/56
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 59-64 File size 1047 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2011-056005
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The paper reports on a workshop conducted to revisit the temporary reuse of a few properties and outdoor spaces using temporary intervention strategies and tactics. Three buildings were studied: an office block, the ex Torre dei Modelli of Breda and the factory of the company Vetrobalsamo at Sesto San Giovanni. The workshop which was conducted on site inside a temporary reused space, generated design ideas for possible projects to be carried out and also more general considerations on the subject of temporary reuse as the difference between temporary status being ‘imposed’ and temporary status being ‘designed’ and on the subject of ‘reversibility’, ‘flexibility’ and ‘adjustment’. The projects drawn up by the working groups contemplated not only architecturally possible and economically sustainable solutions, but above all practically feasible uses and the possibility of appropriation by unsatisfied demand.

Keywords: Sesto San Giovanni; ex Breda; workshop

  • Enabling Urban Alternatives Antonella Bruzzese, pp.201 (ISBN:978-981-13-1530-5)

Antonella Bruzzese, Germana De Michelis, Progettare la temporaneità. Il workshop ‘Cittadella del riuso temporaneo’ in "TERRITORIO" 56/2011, pp 59-64, DOI: 10.3280/TR2011-056005