Closed structured group or open semi-structured group? Comparison between two methods of educational group in cardiac rehabilitation

Author/s Giacomo Baiardo, Gaia Savioli, Massimo Conti, Luca Corsiglia, Massimo Miglioretti
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2011/2
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 9-27 File size 116 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2011-002002
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The objectives of this research are to present two different educational interventions in CR and to assess their effectiveness in improving the psychological state of patients. In Cardiovascular Institute of Camogli 153 patients were enrolled: 113 participated in a closed structured group intervention (control group) consisting of three meetings with a fixed number of patients in which the fundamental themes of CR were treated. The other 40 patients participated in the open semi-structured group (experimental group) develop to better meet the needs of patients in CR: providing a minimum of three meetings for each patient. All patients were evaluated at entrance and discharge with a set of questionnaires related to different psychological characteristics. The results show that the two interventions lead to positive outcomes, which are substantially overlappable in the short term. If these findings were confirmed on a larger group, this could give important organizational alternatives to the operator, without reducing the effectiveness of intervention.

Keywords: Closed group, open group, educational intervention in cardiac rehabilitation, selfefficacy, illness representation

  • Differential Effectiveness of Open Versus Closed Psychotherapy Groups: A Systematic Review Meike Südmeier, Beate Muschalla, Prof. Dr., in American Journal of Psychotherapy /2024 pp.55
    DOI: 10.1176/appi.psychotherapy.20230026

Giacomo Baiardo, Gaia Savioli, Massimo Conti, Luca Corsiglia, Massimo Miglioretti, Gruppo chiuso strutturato o gruppo aperto semistrutturato? Confronto tra due modalità di gestione del gruppo educativo in cardiologia riabilitativa in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 2/2011, pp 9-27, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2011-002002