Merchants, forgers and paladins of the "Duce". The apocryphal diaries of Mussolini

Author/s Paolo Ferrari
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2011/265
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 611-619 File size 93 KB
DOI 10.3280/IC2011-265005
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The first article of this section, under the title The Duce, true or supposed, is an interview given by Mimmo Franzinelli to Paolo Ferrari, in which the author of Autopsy of a forgery. Mussolini’s diaries and the manipulation of history reminds us of both the various elements showing the spuriousness of the Mussolini’s diaries published by Bompiani and the reasons and modalities of the attempt, on the part of the sponsors of the publication, to accredit an "amended" public image of the dictator, aiming at a "rehabilitation", a reconstruction of an "imagined" Fascism, cleared of its tyrannical, warmongering and racist traits: a long-running cultural trend whose origins date back to the very fall of Fascism. In the second article, The Crown Speech and the false diaries, Lucio Ceva outlines a new proof of their inauthenticity. In sheer facts, whilst according to them on the 23rd of March 1939 the pretended Mussolini criticizes and derides the contents of the Crown Speech delivered by Vittorio Emanuele III, this speech had been written by the Duce himself, in accordance with custom and as duly attested by the autograph document held in the Central State Archive (ACS). The third and last contribute consists in a Graphic and graphological report by Nicole Ciccolo, who - after comparing the texts published by Bompiani with both the autographs of Mussolini kept by the ACS and the autograph of Amalia Panvini, formerly convicted of forgery and fraud in 1960 as a faker and seller of false diaries of Mussolini - reaches the conclusion that also these newly published diaries are to be attributed to her hand, thus confirming, from yet another point of view, Franzinelli’s thesis.

Keywords: Mussolini’s false diaries, rehabilitation of Mussolini, manipulation of history, Mussolini’s autographs, March 1939 Crown Speech of Vittorio Emanuele III, Amalia Panvini

Paolo Ferrari, Il duce.. Vero o presunto Intervista a Mimmo Franzinelli in "ITALIA CONTEMPORANEA" 265/2011, pp 611-619, DOI: 10.3280/IC2011-265005