Concealment and exclusion. Spanish power and the papal ambitions of Cardinal Farnese

Journal title SOCIETÀ E STORIA
Author/s Marco Legnani
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/137
Language Italian Pages 29 P. 485-513 File size 526 KB
DOI 10.3280/SS2012-137001
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Since, in the XVI century, Spanish hegemony on the Italian peninsula mainly depended on the relations with the Apostolic See, for the Catholic Monarchy was essential to provide the creation of friendly popes, avoiding the election of potentially hostile personalities. Based mainly on the correspondence of ambassadors Requesens and Zúñiga, the paper analyzes the concrete unraveling of this underground diplomatic work, taking as a case study Philip II’s responses to the papal claims of Cardinal Farnese, head of the most influential faction of the Sacred College in the conclaves of the year 1549-1585.

Keywords: Ambassadors; cardinals; conclave; Farnese; Philip II; papacy.

Marco Legnani, Dissimulazione ed esclusione. La potenza spagnola e le ambizioni pontificie del Cardinal Farnese in "SOCIETÀ E STORIA " 137/2012, pp 485-513, DOI: 10.3280/SS2012-137001