Medical Professionalism and Reflexivity. Examples of training to the sense of "duty" in medicine

Author/s Patrizia de Mennato
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/2
Language English Pages 19 P. 15-33 File size 123 KB
DOI 10.3280/ERP2012-002002
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This paper contains our reflection on the experience held at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Florence (Italy) in many courses in Pedagogical Disciplines for the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree that have involved more than 1000 students. I think that if the reflective habits are presented in an early stage of students’ training they can contribute to form a habit of mind that will accompany their professional biography. Therefore, we have chosen to focus on reflexivity as a primary educational strategy to enter into relationship with one’s professional task. This has prompted us to build compelling educational opportunities that ‘expose’ the students’ minds to issues/problems/contradictions that are present in their everyday experiences of practitioners and students. The reflective laboratories and their public discussion introduce to a ‘familiarity with the exercise of reflection’ through which students can learn to take themselves as subjects/objects of their knowledge and to recognize the contradictions and automatisms that appear in their professional action. These reflective modes start to training to a new idea of Medical Professionalism. This does not reduce professional action to linear sequences of activities, but have to recover also specific human qualities from professional epistemologies and responsibility

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Patrizia de Mennato, Medical Professionalism and Reflexivity. Examples of training to the sense of "duty" in medicine in "EDUCATIONAL REFLECTIVE PRACTICES" 2/2012, pp 15-33, DOI: 10.3280/ERP2012-002002