Modernity, Stress and the Quest for Emotional Self-management

Journal title SALUTE E SOCIETÀ
Author/s Annette Schnabel, Carita Bengs, Maria Wiklund
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2012/Suppl. 2EN
Language English Pages 17 P. 77-93 File size 211 KB
DOI 10.3280/SES2012-SU2006EN
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Sociology has a longstanding tradition in describing the emotional regime of modernity as "disciplining" effect, accompanied by an increased demand for selfregulation (Elias). Recently, researchers stressed that we nowadays observe a growing informalization of emotion rules (Wouters) and an increased demand for the emotional labour (Hochschild). The tension between disciplinary limitation of emotions and their informalization is mirrored in the growing necessity to psychologically and chemically alter and optimize emotions (Neckel). Beyond a mere theoretical analysis of this tension, the article empirically explores the selfperceptions and self-management strategies of young women in Sweden in order to cope with felt oppression and stress in relation to the emotional and behavioural demands of their environment.

Keywords: Theories of modernity, emotions, stress, young women, self-regulation, stress.

Annette Schnabel, Carita Bengs, Maria Wiklund, Modernity, Stress and the Quest for Emotional Self-management in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" Suppl. 2EN/2012, pp 77-93, DOI: 10.3280/SES2012-SU2006EN