Quality of life and sexual satisfaction: a survey on a sample of women suffering of endometriosis

Author/s Alessandra Recine, Valentina Cosmi, Luca Pierleoni, Marta Giuliani, Maria Grazia Porpora, Chiara Simonelli
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/2
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 81-95 File size 309 KB
DOI 10.3280/RSC2013-002005
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The aim of the present study is to evaluate the impact of endometriosis on the quality of life and sexual satisfaction in an Italian sample of women suffering from endometriosis and verify the hypotesis that the disease has a strong negative impact on both aspects. The study involved 120 women who had been diagnosed with endometriosis (EG) and 120 healthy women (CG). A socioanagraphic questionnaire, the WHOQOL-Bref and the Italian version of McCoy Female Sexuality Questionnaire (MFSQ) were administered to participants. Data analysis showed that the EG obtained lower score than CG in three domains of WHOQOL (physical, psychological and social relationship), in Sexuality domain but not in Relational of MFSQ. Therefore results indicate that women with endometriosis are not less satisfied about the relationship with their partner compared to healthy women.

Keywords: Endometriosis, quality of life, sexual-affective life, relationship with partner.

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Alessandra Recine, Valentina Cosmi, Luca Pierleoni, Marta Giuliani, Maria Grazia Porpora, Chiara Simonelli, Qualità della vita e sessualità: un’indagine conoscitiva su un campione Di donne con diagnosi di endometriosi in "RIVISTA DI SESSUOLOGIA CLINICA" 2/2013, pp 81-95, DOI: 10.3280/RSC2013-002005