Neocatharism. Origins and development of an heretical myth (XIXXX-centuries).

Journal title SOCIETÀ E STORIA
Author/s Riccardo Facchini
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/143
Language Italian Pages 35 P. 33-67 File size 615 KB
DOI 10.3280/SS2014-143002
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This paper proposes to illustrate the post-medieval reception of the Cathar heresy-and the development of a "neo-Cathar mythology" from the end of the nineteenth-century to the present day. After a brief historiographical introduction, it discusses-the contemporary neo-Cathar revival and divides it into two phases. During the first-phase (end of the nineteenth century - early twentieth) the Albigensian heresy was-mostly regarded as an esoteric and syncretic belief or as a founding myth of the Occitanian-identity; in the second phase it was held to be a sort of ancient and authentic-gnostic-Christian message in opposition to Roman catholicism. In the second half-of the twentieth century these two approaches merged in the commercial exploitation-of the myth through the production of novels, movies and songs related to the Cathar-epic.-

Keywords: Albigensians, Catharism, Heresy, Medievalism, Neocatharism, Historiography.-

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Riccardo Facchini, Il neocatarismo. Genesi e sviluppo di un mito ereticale (secoli XIX-XXI ) in "SOCIETÀ E STORIA " 143/2014, pp 33-67, DOI: 10.3280/SS2014-143002