Inventory of psychotherapy. Or rather, I made a pact with my emotions

Author/s Emanuele Santirocco
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/127
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 19-33 File size 248 KB
DOI 10.3280/RT2014-127003
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The author uses a light but still valid and substantial "inventory" to recount clinical vignettes, moments of sessions with patients, clinical experiences taken from his own work reality. The flow of clinical happenings well illustrates how much the person of the therapist is always present and how it is his personal originality which unblocks certain clinical situations, even those which are apparently "unsolvable. The author concludes his article with some considerations on the ethical references for the technique he uses.

Keywords: Practice and theory, anorexia, suicide, beginning of therapy, therapeutic relation, elements of technique, ethics and technique

Emanuele Santirocco, Inventario di psicoterapia. Ovvero, ho fatto un patto con le mie emozioni in "RUOLO TERAPEUTICO (IL)" 127/2014, pp 19-33, DOI: 10.3280/RT2014-127003