Experiential training of psychotherapists through evaluation of COIRAG residential workshop

Journal title GRUPPI
Author/s Vanda Druetta, Raffaella Gonella, Giovanni Mignosi, Gabriele Profita, Giuseppe Ruvolo
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2014/3
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 43-65 File size 127 KB
DOI 10.3280/GRU2014-003006
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The paper illustrates the analysis of information - collected in a 9-year span - about the evaluation of the COIRAG psychotherapy training (a 4-day residential workshop attended by the students once a year for 4 years). The quantitative and qualitative data was collected through two questionnaires completed by the students. The questions concern the students’ personal experience during the workshop for each year and for the total 4 years. The analysis highlights the students’ perception of the aims, contents and outcomes of the training process, and allows for the interpretation of the relation between the aims of the training program and the outcomes evaluated by the students. The main results concern the importance of experiential training in the construction of a professional identity, the very high correspondence between the aims and the perceived outcomes of the program, the basic role of self awareness and of personal motivation as well as emotional/relational resources in the development of professional skills, and the students’ ability to situate their own professional project in the right socio-cultural context.

Keywords: Training of psychotherapists, evaluation, professional identity, groups, psychotherapy.

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Vanda Druetta, Raffaella Gonella, Giovanni Mignosi, Gabriele Profita, Giuseppe Ruvolo, La formazione esperienziale degli psicoterapeuti attraverso la valutazione del workshop residenziale COIRAG in "GRUPPI" 3/2014, pp 43-65, DOI: 10.3280/GRU2014-003006