Michel Foucault and monstrous otherness. Observations about order and difference

Author/s Luciano Nuzzo
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/2
Language Italian Pages 32 P. 7-38 File size 325 KB
DOI 10.3280/SD2015-002001
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This article discusses order and difference. The vantage point adopted uses the interpretation of "monster" and of "monstrous" found in the work of Michel Foucault. Its underlying hypothesis is that the monster indicates an open question throughout the French thinker’s writings: the problem of difference and of limit. By analysing the texts where Foucault refers to the monster, the ways in which order, as well as forms of production of identity and difference are constructed, but also how the crisis of devices of subjection emerges. The monster - i.e. the limit - belongs and does not belong to the regime of discourse and to the practices of power that traced its outlines. On the one hand, the monster includes the underlying exclusion in how an order is organised, so belongs to order, but in the guise of a limit on it. On the other hand, it does not belong to it, because the difference indicated by the monster, which also preserves it in its linguistic classification, can never be completely neutralised by the device that constructs the monster, that speaks of its monstrosity and defines the linguistic or institutional space of its existence. The monster is heterogeneously material: it is a future without denial, a life that does not want to live, but simply lives

Keywords: Monster / Monstrosity - Order - Difference - Otherness - Michel Foucault

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Luciano Nuzzo, Michel Foucault e l’alterità mostruosa. Riflessioni su ordine e differenza in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 2/2015, pp 7-38, DOI: 10.3280/SD2015-002001