The Presence and Absence of Spanish Socialist Women in the International Trade Unions during the Interwar Period

Author/s Pilar Domìnguez Prats
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/38
Language English Pages 20 P. 58-77 File size 189 KB
DOI 10.3280/XXI2016-038004
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The scarce presence of Spanish socialist women in the international trade union bodies was one of the basic facts of the interwar period; an exception was the impulse for participation on the international scene that the coming of the Second Republic and the Civil War elicited from the women. The paper seeks to analyze the female presence in the most relevant organizations, the International Federation of Trade Unions (Iftu), the International Labor Organization (Ilo), and the Socialist International. To that end we utilize diverse primary sources found in the archives of the Institute of Social History (Amsterdam), the Trade Unions Congress (Warwick University, UK), and the Fundación Pablo Iglesias (Madrid).

Keywords: Ilo; Iftu; Second International (Lsi); Second Spanish Republic; labor legislation; women’s work; "breadwinner family"; socialist women

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Pilar Domìnguez Prats, The Presence and Absence of Spanish Socialist Women in the International Trade Unions during the Interwar Period in "VENTUNESIMO SECOLO" 38/2016, pp 58-77, DOI: 10.3280/XXI2016-038004