Cities and climate change: a reflection on the debate on the post-carbon cities

Author/s Silvia Crivello
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2016/111
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 153-166 File size 171 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2016-111010
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The issues related to the energy transition towards forms with less impact than the current ones have today a wide resonance in numerous debates. The paper starts from the assumption that the model of development of the "advanced" societies is today unsustainable, so as to threaten life on the planet; concerns regarding the state of health of the environment are turning the new logic of the so-called "carbon control". The article focuses on two aspects of the problem: on the one hand, it is investigated the transposition of the concept of energy transition at the urban scale. On the other hand, the contribution reflects on the conceptual and methodological tools that urban sociology can provide to understand the phenomenon of transition and to contribute to the formulation of solutions.

Keywords: Energy transition, city, climate change, energy justice, post-carbon, carbon control

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Silvia Crivello, Città e sfida ambientale: prospettive e limiti del dibattito sulle post-carbon cities in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 111/2016, pp 153-166, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2016-111010