Reconstruction in France after World War II and the Relationship between Monuments and Urban Heritage

Journal title STORIA URBANA
Author/s Franca Malservisi, Maria Rosaria Vitale
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/155
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 7-26 File size 625 KB
DOI 10.3280/SU2017-155001
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The present issue of «Storia urbana» focuses on reconstruction in France after World War II. It follows the pattern of the previous issues dedicated to Italy, Germany and Japan and, like them, analyses the reconstruction from the perspective of its impact on historical centres. Our intention is to ascertain to what extent this complex and difficult process involved the traditional urban fabric and whether the more or less pressing need of preservation was taken into account (or was disregarded) by plans for the recovery of the destroyed cities. With this purpose in mind, this volume explores the impact of modernity on historical centres during the post-war reconstruction through the critical appraisal of several case studies. Specific attention is given to the correlation between modernity and tradition, the related paradoxes and contradictions, the actors, the policies and the specific measures of the Government.

Keywords: France, War damage, Post-war Reconstruction, Urban Heritage, Monuments

Franca Malservisi, Maria Rosaria Vitale, La ricostruzione in Francia dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale e la relazione fra monumento e patrimonio urbano in "STORIA URBANA " 155/2017, pp 7-26, DOI: 10.3280/SU2017-155001