The contribution of technologies to the inclusion of the student whit a visual disability: the "smart stick for blind people"

Author/s Michele Aurelio, Stefania Cecchi, Mirca Montanari, Andrea Primavera
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/1
Language Italian Pages 0 P. File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/ess1-2018oa6010
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Taking into consideration the complexity of the new, heterogeneous, and different training needs currently present in the classrooms, the school is called to respond them in an effective and concrete way through inclusive educational approaches centered on the students, none excluded. On this basis, the authors, supporting the importance of technology in innovative teaching, propose the design and construction of an intelligent white stick through an inclusive cooperative methodology. The presented device, presented in this paper, is inspired by an open and collaborative teaching, enhancing a responsible digital education, accepting the training needs of all the students present in the classroom, specifically the blind student, and the recognition of the diversity in view of the reduction of disability.

Keywords: Bisogni Educativi Speciali; Inclusione; Tecnologia; Cooperative learning; Smart White Stick.

Michele Aurelio, Stefania Cecchi, Mirca Montanari, Andrea Primavera, The contribution of technologies to the inclusion of the student whit a visual disability: the "smart stick for blind people" in "EDUCATION SCIENCES AND SOCIETY" 1/2018, pp , DOI: 10.3280/ess1-2018oa6010