Steps towards clinical best practice guidelines for the treatment of the conduct disorders in the juvenile correctional facilities

Author/s Tiziana Valentinia, Antonella Curatoloa, Elena Vegnia
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/3
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 477-197 File size 96 KB
DOI 10.3280/RIP2018-003010
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The present contribution focuses on the conduct disorders (CD) observed in the C. Beccaria Juvenile correctional facility of Milan. It aims at implementing a therapeutic intervention, starting from evidence based literature and from data which were gathered at the Clinical Psychology Unit of San Carlo Hospital, Milan, Italy. In the context of juvenile correctional facilities, CD prevalence is significantly higher than that in the normal population, with a range of 30 to 80% of cases. CD treatment is based on social learning theory where a deviant behavior is seen as a knowledge learned in the living environment of the subject, since a functional and socially rewarded behavior is lacking. Evidence based intervention includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and, in particular, a stepped based care with a large involvement of the team of care-givers inside and outside the clinical setting.

Keywords: Oppositional Defiant Disorders, Conduct Disorder, Social Learning Theory, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Stepped-Care, Diagnostic-Therapeutic Path

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Tiziana Valentinia, Antonella Curatoloa, Elena Vegnia, Verso la definizione di linee guida per il trattamento dei disturbi della condotta nelle carceri minorili in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA " 3/2018, pp 477-197, DOI: 10.3280/RIP2018-003010