Lefebvre; The State, the space and the self-management

Author/s Sylvain Sangla
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/118
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 131-140 File size 334 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2019-118009
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The tetralogy The State of Lefebvre (1976-8), is among his works the least known. However, The State synthesizes most of Lefebvrian theories and concepts. For example: spa-ce, city and urban, Marxism, language, nation and - of course - daily life, which we will use here as a counterpoint. In an attempt to examine our modernity, Lefebvre has studied the alie-nations that weigh on daily life in relation to the powers of the capitalist market and the state. The self-managed project, which is present throughout the work, will provide the glimpse of a path of liberation from human possibilities. The concept of self-management will be central (to speak as Fourier) between urban life, daily life and state criticism, as well as a mediation between theory and practice. Again, Lefebvre has not separated his metaphilosophy from a revolutionary policy capable, through self-management, of deepening democracy and changing daily life.

Keywords: Lefebvre, space, State, self management, everyday life, city.

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  4. Lefebvre H. (1970). Du rural à l’urbain. Paris: Anthropos (tr. it., Dal rurale all’urbano. Rimini: Guaraldi, 1973).
  5. Lefebvre H. (1976). De l’Etat. Tome 1: L’Etat dans le monde moderne. Paris: UGE (tr. it.. Lo Stato. Lo Stato nel mondo moderno. Bari: Dedalo, 1976).
  6. Lefebvre H. (1976). De l’Etat. Tome 3: Le mode de production étatique. Paris: UGE (tr. it.. Lo Stato. Il modo di produzione statuale. Bari: Dedalo, 1977).
  7. Lefebvre H. (1978). De l’Etat. Tome 4: Les contradictions de l’Etat moderne. Paris: UGE (tr. it.. Lo Stato. Le contraddizioni dello Stato moderno. Bari: Dedalo, 1978).
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Sylvain Sangla, Lo Stato, lo spazio e l’autogestione in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 118/2019, pp 131-140, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2019-118009