Feminine and masculine in the small, analytically-oriented group: a relational play

Journal title GRUPPI
Author/s Silvia Corbella
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2018/2
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 109-127 File size 209 KB
DOI 10.3280/GRU2018-002009
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The article deals with the profound changes that affected the sexual habits of men and women in the second half of the 20th century following to the discovery and diffusion of the contraceptive pill, the approval of the law on divorce and the one that made voluntary termination of pregnancy legal . The resulting relational transformations have radically changed the very idea of procreation. In fact, for over 30 years, having sex has no longer implied conception and now, thanks to medically assisted procreation, conception does not necessarily imply a sexual act any longer. The relational modalities between men and women are retraced in a brief historical perspective. The author proposes the small analytically oriented group as an elective setting where to find - maybe for the very first time - one’s own identity, gender identity being an important aspect of it. Femininity and masculinity are relational constructs, therefore best defined through those processes of identification and differentiation intrinsic to becoming a group that allows overcoming the stereotypical roles shaped by family and society, making the woman-man relationship authentic and personal. Some clinical examples elucidate the author’s viewpoint.

Keywords: Feminine, Masculine, Procreation, Group Analytical Setting, Subjectivation.

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Silvia Corbella, Femminile e maschile nel piccolo gruppo analiticamente orientato: un gioco relazionale in "GRUPPI" 2/2018, pp 109-127, DOI: 10.3280/GRU2018-002009