Family bonds and violence: group therapy, that is, providing an environment for thinking

Journal title GRUPPI
Author/s Anna Iannotta
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2019/2
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 175-179 File size 127 KB
DOI 10.3280/GRU2019-002017
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Taking the start from a text by Gabriele Profita, the author reflects on possible group therapy work with individuals experiencing aggressive bonds in their lives. To what extent can therapy help individuals to feel recognized and to relive crys-tallized identifications belonging to one’s personal life history in a developmental perspective? According to the author, group therapy can favour a different repre-sentation of one’s Self.

Keywords: Individuation, Family bonds, Mirroring, Representation, Psychodrama.

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Anna Iannotta, Legami familiari e violenza, il lavoro del gruppo nella pensabilità in "GRUPPI" 2/2019, pp 175-179, DOI: 10.3280/GRU2019-002017