Survivors and couple bonds

Author/s Camilla Vernareccio, Anna Maria Paulis, Carlo Maci, Anna Mei
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2020/51
Language Italian Pages 11 P. 61-71 File size 215 KB
DOI 10.3280/PR2020-051005
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From the observation of three cases of three patients, hospitalized in psychiatry for suicidal ideation and having a parent who committed suicide, was born the reflection that will be object of this article. We noticed a resemblance between the experiences of those indi-viduals, in particular, connected to the couple’s relationship and using the Elkaim theory on the Maps of the World and the Official Program, we asked ourselves in which measure the above parenting experience could have "compromised" fundamental choices, as the choice of partner. In fact, we’ve intercepted in our patients’ partners the same features, as the incapacity to provide care and support. We read those aspects in the light of the concept of loyalty proposed by Boszormeny-Nagy. According to this approach our bond with the system of values and expectation of family can lead us to pursue "destructives" path-ways.

Keywords: Suicidal ideation, suicidal parents, couple’s relationship, choice of partner, loyalty, map of the world, official program, survi-vors.

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Camilla Vernareccio, Anna Maria Paulis, Carlo Maci, Anna Mei, Survivors e legami di coppia in "RIVISTA DI PSICOTERAPIA RELAZIONALE " 51/2020, pp 61-71, DOI: 10.3280/PR2020-051005