La qualità dei dati all’interno dell’evoluzione dei servizi territoriali: il caso del Servizio Dipendenze

Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Silvana Secinaro, Davide Calandra, Carolina Cappa, Emanuele Bignamini
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/116
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 31-51 File size 293 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2020-116003
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The article aims to analyse the perception of health personnel and their needs about data quality in order to identify any inadequacies in the information systems used. The study applies an inductive approach, using qualitative interviews. The results show that patient management in the field of addiction requires specific information tools and the creation of a structured internal process that enhances, first, health professionals and, secondly, data for the epidemiological evaluation of patients. The research through a discussion of the results based on SWOT analysis confirms the need to activate targeted training activities as well as the construction of standardised data management systems that can help operators to understand how to input and subsequently valorize them.

Keywords: Data quality, health, patient’s management, health management, electronic health record, addictions.

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Silvana Secinaro, Davide Calandra, Carolina Cappa, Emanuele Bignamini, La qualità dei dati all’interno dell’evoluzione dei servizi territoriali: il caso del Servizio Dipendenze in "MECOSAN" 116/2020, pp 31-51, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2020-116003